

A list of repositories used in research in the Scientific Computing Department follows. A link to relevant publications/preprints is referenced.

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Ana Budisa, Xiaozhe Hu, Miroslav Kuchta, Kent-Andre Mardal, and Ludmil Zikatanov. HAZniCS – Software Components for Multiphysics Problems. 2022. URL:, doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2210.13274.


Cécile Daversin-Catty, Ingeborg G. Gjerde, and Marie E. Rognes. Geometrically Reduced Modelling of Pulsatile Flow in Perivascular Networks. Frontiers in Physics, 2022. doi:10.3389/fphy.2022.882260.


Ingeborg Gjerde and L Scott. Nitsche's method for navier–stokes equations with slip boundary conditions. Mathematics of Computation, 91(334):597–622, 2022. doi:10.1090/mcom/3682.


Johannes Haubner, Franziska Neumann, and Michael Ulbrich. A Novel Density Based Approach for Topology Optimization of Stokes Flow. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(2):A338–A368, 2023. doi:10.1137/21M143114X.


Alexandre Poulain, Jørgen Riseth, and Vegard Vinje. Multi-compartmental model of glymphatic clearance of solutes in brain tissue. working paper or preprint, September 2022. URL:


Marte J. Sætra, Gaute T. Einevoll, and Geir Halnes. An electrodiffusive neuron-extracellular-glia model for exploring the genesis of slow potentials in the brain. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(7):1–45, 07 2021. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008143.


Marte J. Sætra, Ada J. Ellingsrud, and Marie E. Rognes. Neural activity induces strongly coupled electro-chemo-mechanical interactions and fluid flow in astrocyte networks and extracellular space—a computational study. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(7):1–31, 07 2023. URL:, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010996.


Bastian Zapf, Johannes Haubner, Lukas Baumgärtner, and Stephan Schmidt. Medical image registration using optimal control of a linear hyperbolic transport equation with a dg discretization. 2023. arXiv:2305.03020.