Overview of project

Overview of project#

This project brings together the FEniCS Project finite element software, and the wildmeshing-toolkit. The overall project ambition is a user-efficient pipeline for imaging-based multi-physics simulations across scales, with advanced techniques such as uncertainty quantification, data assimilation, and physics-based machine learning as inherently added value.

The technology development and integration will be driven by use cases from biomedical research through well-established collaborations, including in clinical neurology (brain clearance, drug delivery, and neurovascular coupling), cellular mechanobiology (long-term potentiation), orthopedic surgery (hip joint motion), and molecular biology (autophagy in cancer). To achieve its overarching ambition, the project aims:

  • To make the integrated use of FEniCSx and wildmeshing accessible to a broad user base, through continuous-integration, unified documentation, and end-to-end tutorials.

  • To create a plugin for the popular biomedical software 3D Slicer to support the automatic creation of digital twins of biomedical systems

  • To extend wildmeshing to multi-material meshing and insertion of co-dimensional objects (tendons, cartilages) essential for many target applications

  • To improve support for biomedical simulations in FEniCSx including multi-scale features such as vasculature-tissue or membrane-cell interaction models